I’m no chef, just a single dude that likes to eat.  One thing I like, especially after a night out, is eggs.  I don’t know what it is about eggs, but they certainly help the occasional hangover..

Before I lost my arm, probably like most of you, non-professional food service peeps, I cracked eggs with two hands .  One handed egg cracking is that show off move that’s supposed to separate the pro’s from the not so much..

Well, I’m now forced to do the one handed crack.  No, not the smoking crack or the butt crack, the egg crack.  Here’s how I go about it..

If you’ve read my other posts, you’ll know that I use cast iron to cook with.  The cast iron is a little thick and has a tendency to crush the egg shell instead of breaking through it.  So instead, I use a beer pint glass to crack the egg.


I start by grabbing the egg with 4 fingers.  On one side of the egg, I use my index and middle fingers and on the other side my thumb and ring finger with the egg oriented long ways between the fingers.


Then I’ll use a swift downward motion striking the egg on the edge of the glass.  The weight of the bar glass helps with this. I then quickly move the egg over the pot, and use my fingers to spread the shell apart, dropping all the eggy goodness in.


After dropping the eggs in to the pot, I’ll drop the shells in to the glass.

One more thing to note, before you watch the video,  I started putting the glass on a piece of paper towel before cracking the eggs.  This isn’t shown in the video, but you will see some of the egg runs down the glass.  The paper towel makes clean up easier.  Here’s the whole process in video:


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